You’re Never Too Busy to be Healthy

You’re Never Too Busy to be Healthy

Hal Johnson  
Keep fit and have fun with tips from a health expert    kenny.mason


The holidays are over but that excess weight is sticking around.

Body Break’s Hal Johnson has been telling Canadians how to keep fit and have fun for years.

He said one way to get the day started is to hydrate.

“A glass of water with lemon,” said Johnson. “One it’s going to help your digestive system, secondly it’s going to have you hydrated and third you’re not going to feel as hungry”.

He warns to stay away from sugary drinks, and lessen sugar intake overall.

Johnson also noted plenty of people are full of excuses to stay away from the gym.

“Go to a hospital and see the people in the ICU that just had a heart attack and say would I rather be on a treadmill or be in that ICU?”

According to the fitness advocate, you’re never too busy to be healthy.