The Canadian Guidelines for body weight classification in adults provides a scheme for classifying body weight, as measured by the body mass index (BMI), according to the level of health risk. The BMI is an index of weight to height (kg/m2) and is considered to be the most useful indicator of health risks associated with being both overweight and underweight. Click on the links below to find out if you have a healthy weight, and if not how to lose weight.

 What is a Healthy Weight?

To find your Body Mass Index divide your weight in kilograms by your height in meters squared.

Classification BMI Category Risk of Developing Health Problems
Underweight <18.5 Increased
Normal Weight 18.5 – 24.9 Least
Overweight 25.0 – 29.9 Increased
Obese Class I 30.0 – 34.9 High
Obese Class II 35.0 – 39.9 Very High
Obese Class III >=40.0 Extremely High

Another way to check if you have a healthy weight is to measure your waist circumference. Men with a waist circumference greater than 40 inches, and women with a waist circumference greater than 35 inches have an increased risk of developing health problems.

 How to Lose Weight

A calorie is the amount of digestively available food energy (heat) that will raise the temperature of one kilogram of water one degree Celsius. The “calorie” has become a common household term because dieticians recommend reducing body weight by increasing exercise (energy expenditure) and reducing energy intake. In Canada food manufactures are required to label the energy content of their products to help consumers control their energy intake.

Fat contains 3,500 calories per pound, if you burn 3,500 calories you will lose 1lb, but you cannot just quit consuming calories and lose weight. When you drastically reduce you calorie intake your body’s metabolism will slow, reducing the amount of calories burnt. Through a combination of slowly reducing calories, and increasing energy expenditure by exercising you can lose weight and maintain your metabolism.

 Weight Loss plans

To create your weight loss plan you need a goal. Pick your goal weight and write it down in a journal. The next thing you need to do is set aside half an hour to an hour a day for aerobic activity, and strength training. Most people prefer to do this first thing in the morning so that they do not find excuses not to exercise later in the day. Next you can find out roughly how many calories you are consuming by multiplying your weight by 13. Write this number in your journal also. In order to lose one pound you will need to slowly eliminate 3,500 calories. You will do this by making small substitutions in the foods that you eat. You may find that you need to eat more often once you are eating healthier foods, which is fine. In fact eating healthy foods more often is great for your metabolism.

Some people find that using a journal daily to keep track of the food they consume helps them eliminate some of their unhealthy traits. A food journal can also help you balance out your food groups. Once you start keeping track, you may be surprised to find that you are not consuming near enough fruit or vegetables.

BodyBreak has two excellent options to help you obtain your weight-loss goals:

  • For the workout aspect of weightloss, The BodyBreak Personal Workout provides you with exercise routines that are prepared by professional trainers to meet your personal weightloss and fitness goals.
  • For information on dietary supplements that aid in weightloss, you can complete a personal profile at Truestar Health and one that meets your needs will be recommended.

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