Healthy Eating Introduction

Was last night your “farewell to food night?” It’s OK, you’re among friends . You’re also not alone . Many people admit they indulged in a fast food meal or their favourite desserts the night before starting to eat healthier . They feel like they need to get in a last blast of goodies before they start eating carrot sticks and lettuce leaves . All or nothing is their motto, ready to make quick changes that may give them quick results . Pardon us, but that doesn’t sound like a whole lot of fun, does it? Rather than dieting, lets develop healthful ways of eating and other lifestyle habits that can be lived with comfortably over the long run . That’s the best way to guarantee you’ll reach your goals, so unclench your teeth and smile . This is going to be fun .



Dieting is a temporary way of eating . It involves a list of do’s and don’ts and conjures up feelings of deprivation and guilt .It is a quick fix . Dieting often leads to yo-yo weight cycling and temporary changes in eating habits . You lose weight while you’re on the diet, only to gain the weight back and more once you’re back to eating the old way, the way that pushed you towards dieting in the first place . Yo-yo weight cycling can be physically and psychologically harmful . Only rarely does it result in long term success . Unless you are prepared to make changes for good, the positive results you see initially will be short-lived .

Weight loss

There are several reasons why people want to lose weight . It may be to lose the extra pounds that mysteriously crept on over the last ten years, shed the extra weight gained during pregnancy, lose weight after being injured, or it may be for a medical reasons or a special occasion . Whatever the reason, the approach remains the same . Start eating healthier, be active and the results will follow . That’s it . No magic formula, it just works .

Measuring success

The scale may tell you that you have lost one pound this week but it doesn’t tell you anything about how you are eating, how you feel or how healthy you are . Scales can rule your emotions and drain your energy . They are your friends if you are losing weight but are discouraging reminders if you are not . Scales also encourage you to think in temporary terms, which is not a good formula for long-term success . If you are improving your health and losing body fat, you will feel it . Measure your success by tracking how you feel, the energy you have and how your clothes fit . Get off the scale, stick it on the top shelf of your closet and forget about it .Move on to more important things . Focus your energy on feeding your mind and body with good nutrition .

Program for success

There is no quick fix or magic pill for changing eating habits, no matter what you hear or read . Success does not come over night . It comes with eating well, consistently over time .Making these changes doesn’t require that you be perfect .Who can do that? In fact, there is no perfect way to eat . It does however, require a positive attitude and commitment .Minimize any negative thoughts you have and think about the positive things you can do today . Focus on the action—eating well, instead of the result—weight loss . Remember that setbacks are normal and you can recover and move forward again . Whether you want to lose weight or change your eating habits for another reason, the formula remains the same . Avoid diets and start eating healthier


What does a balanced diet mean?Canada’s Food Guide to Healthy Eating is a practical approach to good nutrition and an excellent guide to achieving the right balance in your life . Today’s Food Guide is a rainbow shape, based on nutritional guidelines from Health and Welfare Canada and wasdesigned to meet the nutritional needs of all Canadians four years of age and older . The Food Guide shows you how many servings to eat from each food group and what amount equals one serving . Isn’t the amount of food on Canada’s Food Guide a lot to eat?
There is a range of serving sizes suggested for each food group because different people need different amounts of food . The minimum number of servings isn’t all that much food . In fact most people’s needs fall somewhere in the middle of the servings recommended (refer to Canada’s Food Guide in this section for information about serving sizes) .
The Food Guide is a good start but how do I know what foods are best for me? Let’s zoom in on the foods you want to choose regularly and those you want to choose less often .


Grain Products: Choose whole grain and enriched products more often .

Choose most often
Cereals with 3 grams or more fibre per serving
Whole grain bread, pita bread, bagels, tortillas
(whole wheat, multigrain and rye)
Pasta and rice
Plain cookies such as arrowroot, social tea,
graham wafers
Lower fat crackers such as soda crackers, melba
toast, bread sticks
Plain popcorn (or lightly buttered)
Choose less often
High-fat granola cereal,high sugar cereals
High-fat cookies and muffins
Cakes, pies and pastries
Buttered popcorn

Fruits and Vegetables: choose dark green and orange vegetables and orange fruit more often

Choose most often
Fresh fruits and vegetables
Canned or frozen vegetables
Canned or frozen fruit
Vegetable or fruit juices—unsweetened
Avocados and olives in moderation
Choose less often
French fries
Vegetables in cream sauces
Deep fried vegetables

Milk Products: choose lower fat milk products more often

Choose most often
Milk—1% or skim
Yogurt—2% milk fat or less
Cheese—20% milk fat or less
Cottage cheese—2% milk fat or less
Light cream cheese
Sherbet, frozen yogurt, ice milk
Choose less often
Whole milk
High-fat yogurt
Regular high-fat cheese
Regular cream cheese
Ice cream

Meat and Alternatives: choose leaner meats, poultry and fish, as well as dried peas,
beans and lentils more often

Choose most often
Legumes such as chick peas, kidney beans,
lentils, black-eyed peas
Chicken and turkey without the skin
Fish canned in water
Fresh or frozen fish and seafood
(not breaded and deep fried)
Lean ham, back bacon
Lean meats such as inside round, sirloin,
rump roast, pork tenderloin, veal,
extra lean ground beef, lean ground turkey
Soybean products (tofu, textured vegetable
protein, vegetable patties, soy milk)
Eggs in moderation or egg whites
Peanut butter in moderation
Choose less often
Ribs, strip bacon, regular ground beef,
sausages, hot dogs
Duck, goose
Fish canned in oil
Battered and deep fried fish
Organ meats
High-fat luncheon meat like salami, bologna
Deep fried foods or those in pastry shells
(quiche, pot pies)

Is there really a fifth food group?
There is a group called “other foods” that includes foods and beverages that aren’t represented in the other four groups . Because some of these foods are higher in fat and calories the Food Guide recommends using them in moderation . Examples of “other foods” are chips, chocolate bars and pop .They can still fit into a well-balanced diet, just don’t make a habit of overloading on them . Consider them extras that don’t provide a lot of nutritional benefit .

What does moderation mean?
This is a tricky one to answer . Moderation means something different for everyone . Someone who requires 2,500 calories a day has more room to fit in “other foods” and still meet their nutritional needs . Another person who requires 1,500 calories a day doesn’t have as much room to fit in less nutritious foods . Make sure extras like pop and cookies don’t take away from choosing most of your foods from the main four food groups . If you are going to gain weight, it is more than likely that the “other foods” are the culprits .

Do I need to worry if I ignore one of the food groups?
Foods in each group provide their own special set of nutrients . If you miss out on foods from one particular group your diet is likely to be lacking in certain nutrients . Also, by eating different foods within each group you gain the special benefits that each food has to offer . Variety is the spice of life, so enjoy .

You have decided to change your eating habits for the better .You may want to lose weight, decrease your risk of certain diseases or boost your energy level . Immediately you start to think about what foods to eat and what foods to avoid . But wait: before restocking those kitchen cupboards take inventory of your attitude towards healthy eating . Here are the key steps that will prepare you for a successful ride towards healthier living .

STEP 1 Look on the bright side .
When you think about changing your eating habits, do you feel anxious, overwhelmed, or deprived? Or do you feel excited, confident and eager? If you generally have positive feelings, then you’re off to a good start . If you have negative thoughts, is it because of failure at previous attempts, lack of support, a dislike for healthier foods or a lack of perceived benefits? Get ready to put the past behind you and discover a successful way of changing your eating habits . Turning a negative approach into a positive one will make the ride much smoother .

STEP 2 View your change as a treat to yourself rather than an exercise in deprivation .
Have you ever thought of eating a crunchy green apple as a treat? You may be more likely to think of a chocolate bar as a way to spoil yourself . Do you hesitate to pay for a red pepper out of season, but don’t think twice about buying potato chips at the same price? OK, stick with us on this one: By filling up on fat and sugar, you are actually depriving yourself of all the benefits that go along with eating well . If you fuel yourself with energizing foods, you are giving yourself a chance to get the most out of life . Now that’s a treat!

STEP 3 Easy does it .
Be careful not to change your eating habits too quickly . Radical change feels like deprivation and that’s not very enjoyable .Give your body or mind a chance to adjust . Changing things too quickly means that eventually (and that can happen pretty soon for some people) you start missing the old ways of eating and the changes become harder to sustain . Instead, make improvements gradually . Eat breakfast, drink two more glasses of water, or eat one more fruit a day . Small changes like these add up to big gains . And by slowly making changes you can actually train your taste buds to prefer less fatty, less sweet foods . Check your progress by comparing how you are eating at any one time to how you were eating the previous month, or the previous year . If you see improvement, you are on the right track . Gradual changes boost your chance for life long—and long life—success .

STEP 4 Look beyond tomorrow .
You may have a certain short term goal, such as weight loss .But there is no use setting a goal if you can not sustain it .Make realistic plans that you can achieve and maintain over the long run . Stress is alleviated and the journey becomes more enjoyable when you are making changes for the long term .

STEP 5 Make it a priority .
There are likely many different areas of your life that require your time and energy . Making changes to your eating habits also requires this commitment . As you start making improvements you will realize the returns you earn on the investment are substantial .

STEP 6 Bring others along for the ride .
Surround yourself with people who support your efforts for a healthier lifestyle and refuse to listen to naysayers and negative types . Even if those close to you aren’t healthy eaters, they may still be on your side and eager to help . Ask them how they feel about your decision to eat healthier and if you can, rely on their support . They may be willing to purchase certain foods that you want, congratulate you on your successes and encourage you when you need it most . If you need additional support and guidance, enlist the help of a Registered Dietitian .
STEP 7 Be aware of influences .
Busy schedule: Is your hectic lifestyle a common excuse to grab fast food? Decide that your busy schedule will no longer interfere with
your food choices . The extra energy you get from healthy eating will help you accomplish anything you want .
Social events:
Is your life filled with social events that inevitably lead to poor eating? Do you feel social pressure to eat like those around you? The good news is, you can still be social while achieving your goals . However, be careful not to let others convince you to eat foods that you would rather leave behind . Keep in mind food is a pleasant accent to the event . It is there to be enjoyed, not to be the centre of attention . In fact, there’s a good chance nobody notices what is on your plate . They’re too busy concentrating on their own meal .
Friends and family: Do friends and family set a good example or do their poor eating habits rub off on you? Do you eat large servings to please the cook? Surrounding yourself with people who like to eat healthy food does make it easier for you . If those around you eat poorly, do not let it deter you from your goals . When they see the benefits you gain from healthy eating it may be enough to convince them to tag along on your journey .

STEP 8 Think of all the rewards .

  • increased energy level
  • better weight management
  • improved sleep
  • improved physical performance
  • increased mental energy
  • stronger immune system
  • increased ability to handle stress
  • decreased risk of heart disease, cancer, osteoporosis, high blood pressure, diabetes

Which rewards are important to you?

STEP 9 Have fun!
View your journey as an experiment in eating . Be adventur-


Alcohol is one of the nutrition subjects we had difficulty addressing in this book .
Now whether or not you drink is a personal choice and we respect that . But as far as we are concerned, we see no benefits from consuming alcohol and in the few cases where there are advantages, the health benefit is minimal .


If you come home stressed after a lousy day, we believe that you’re better off taking a 30-minute walk than taking a drink, if your health is a priority . Reaching for your walking or running shoes is the right way to handle stress from a health perspective .

Also, choosing your calories wisely is very important to maintaining a healthy body weight . Instead of having a drink, another way to beat that after-work stress overload or deal with a crazy day juggling family responsibilities is to eat a piece of fruit or a bagel . These provide you with nutrients to help you meet your daily requirements and fuel to meet daily challenges . Drinking a glass of alcohol provides you with no nutritional value, only what we call wasted or empty calories.

We feel people should not get caught up in what we see as the minimal health benefit of alcohol and overlook what alcohol actually does and doesn’t do for your body . However, we can’t ignore reality and we’re not out to preach . Some people enjoy a drink in moderation so we have addressed this issue according to the health professionals’ recommendations. Alcohol can have both beneficial and detrimental effects on health . How it influences your health largely depends on the amount you drink . One positive effect of alcohol is that it may decrease the risk of heart disease when consumed in moderation . On the downside, alcohol contains calories that can be stored as body fat . Alcohol is dehydrating and increases the excretion of minerals such as magnesium, calcium and zinc . Long term, heavy drinking (three or more drinks a day) increases the risk of liver disease, high blood pressure and stroke . Alcohol has been linked to an increased risk of breast, esophageal, mouth and throat cancer.

Drinking in moderation

Moderation means no more than two drinks a day for men and one drink a day for women .

1 drink = 1 bottle (about 350 mL) of beer
1 drink = 5 oz (150 mL) of wine
1 drink = 11
⁄2 oz . (50 mL) of liquor
* If you are pregnant or breast-feeding, avoid alcohol . This can’t be stressed enough .
If you drink alcohol in moderation you may be getting some heart health benefits; however, if you abstain from alcohol, most health authorities recommend that you don’t start drinking just to stave off heart disease . There are more powerful ways to promote heart health—exercise, eating well and losing weight . If you don’t drink already, don’t start .If you do drink, do so in moderation


Calling all breakfast skippers .You’ve probably heard it before and it’s true, eating breakfast is one of the most important steps you can take towards healthier eating . If you’re not used to eating in the morning, start slowly with just one item and work up to a more balanced meal .Dedicated breakfast eaters let nothing come between them and their breakfast! Some how, some way, they get it in . Once you get hooked on breakfast, you’ll understand why .


Starting the day with breakfast has its many benefits . Breakfast eaters tend to

  • have higher metabolisms (they burn more calories overall)
  • have less food cravings
  • eat less at night
  • have higher intakes of certain vitamins and minerals

If you’re not hungry for breakfast, there’s a good chance you’ve eaten too much or too late the night before . Once you get on to the routine of eating something in the morning and not eating too much at night, you will start to feel hungry for breakfast .
Breakfast is an important key to weight management . Breakfast skippers tend to make up for the calories they missed plus more later in the day . If you want to lose weight the first thing to do is start eating breakfast . It can boost your metabolism, decrease food cravings and prevent you from overeating later in the day .
Breakfast should consist of three out of the four food groups .
Check out these examples of balanced breakfasts:

  • cereal with milk and fruit
  • a peanut butter sandwich (easy on the peanut butter) and a glass of milk
  • cottage cheese with fruit and low-fat crackers
  • bagel with lower fat cheese and tomato
  • pancakes topped with yogurt and fruit

Bagels are a healthy choice for breakfast because they are low in fat and high in carbohydrates . Bagels that you buy in the grocery store are usually about 2 oz ., equal to two slices of bread . However other bagels that you can buy in some specialty stores are much larger and are equal to three to four slices of bread . What really boosts the fat and calories is the spread you choose to put on your bagel . If you opt for a high-fat topping, spread it thinly and alternate with lower fat


You bet your latte there’s a whole bunch of people out there who can’t imagine starting their day without a cup of coffee or finishing a meal without a mug of tea . Yet other people turn into nervous, trembling wrecks with just one cup of java .It affects all of us differently .Studies on caffeine have failed to show any conclusive link to health risks like cancer or heart disease .And even though caffeine seems to have a reasonably clean bill of health, there are still some negative side effects that can do you harm .Caffeine can cause insomnia, nervousness and irritability . Just check the level of your boss’ coffee cup the next time you get hollered at . Because it’s a diuretic, coffee can also lead to dehydration .


Caffeine may boost blood pressure in those not accustomed to it, but only temporarily . It also increases stomach acid production, which can contribute to heartburn and ulcers . As long as you don’t suffer from any side effects, you certainly can enjoy a few cups of coffee or tea a day without doing harm .
How much is safe to drink
It’s recommended that you have no more than 400 mg of caffeine a day . This equals about 24 oz . (750 mL) of coffee .Be aware that caffeine is also present in cola, chocolate and some cold and headache medications
You bet your latte there’s a whole bunch of people out there who can’t imagine starting their day without a cup of coffee or finishing a meal without a mug of tea . Yet other people turn into nervous, trembling wrecks with just one cup of java .It affects all of us differently .Studies on caffeine have failed to show any conclusive link to health risks like cancer or heart disease .And even though caffeine seems to have a reasonably clean bill of health, there are still some negative side effects that can do you harm .Caffeine can cause insomnia, nervousness and irritability . Just check the level of your boss’ coffee cup the next time you get hollered at . Because it’s a diuretic, coffee can also lead to dehydration .
Caffeine may boost blood pressure in those not accustomed to it, but only temporarily . It also increases stomach acid production, which can contribute to heartburn and ulcers . As long as you don’t suffer from any side effects, you certainly can enjoy a few cups of coffee or tea a day without doing harm .
How much is safe to drink
It’s recommended that you have no more than 400 mg of caffeine a day . This equals about 24 oz . (750 mL) of coffee .Be aware that caffeine is also present in cola, chocolate and some cold and headache medications

content in mg
coffee: 6 oz ./175 mL
tea: 6 oz ./175 mL
herbal tea (caffeine-free)
cola: 12 oz/355 mL
hot chocolate: 6 oz ./175 mL
chocolate milk: 8 oz ./250 mL
chocolate bar: 2 oz ./60 g
milk chocolate
dark chocolate
medications: 1 tablet
headache remedies
cold remedi
Average caffeine
content in mg

* Do you frequently use coffee as an energy booster? If you feel you won’t have enough energy to get through the day without your caffeine fix, then it’s worth looking at your lifestyle to see what might be draining your energy levels .Maybe you need more sleep, more water, better eating habits or a regular eating pattern to naturally increase your stamina .
* Do you replace other important drinks with coffee and miss out on fluids and other nutrients? Coffee or tea won’t harm your diet as long as it doesn’t crowd out other important fluids like water, juice and milk .

Cutting Back on Caffeine
If you decide to cut back on the amount of coffee, tea or cola you drink, do it gradually . If you cut down too quickly you may suffer withdrawal headaches . Try using half regular and half decaffeinated . Substituting caffeine-free herbal teas and hot water with lemon can also make the transition easier .

Caffeine and Exercise
Some research studies have shown that caffeine can improve performance during endurance exercise . All that may be needed is one to two cups (250 to 500 mL) one hour before exercise . On the negative side, as we mentioned caffeine acts as a diuretic, so it can make proper hydration tough . Plus it gives some people the jitters and increases their nervousness, hindering their performance . Caffeine containing beverages consumed before exercise should be used in moderation and in addition to other fluids, not as a substitute for them .

Health Benefits of Tea
Research has shown that there may indeed be benefits to tea drinking . Both black and green tea contain polyphenols, potentially beneficial substances . There is some evidence that tea may protect against heart disease and some cancers, however the evidence is not yet conclusive . If you don’t have a strong preference for coffee, you may gain some benefits from drinking tea instead . And you may decide to drink green tea since it appears to be more potent than other teas.

Canada’s Food Guide

Canada’s Guidelines for Healthy Eating

* Enjoy a variety of foods . Explore the rainbow of foods that make up the four food groups . Enjoy foods with different tastes, textures and colours
* Emphasize cereals, breads, other grain products, fruits and vegetables .
* Choose lower fat dairy products, leaner meats and foods prepared with little or no fat .
* Achieve and maintain a healthy body weight by enjoying regular physical activity and healthy eating .
* Limit salt, alcohol and caffeine .Servings From Each Food Group

Grain Products 5 to 12 servings per day Choose whole grain and enriched products more often
Fruits & Vegetables 5 to 10 servings per day Choose dark green and orange vegetables and orange fruit more often
Milk Products 2 to 4 servings per day Choose lower fat milk products more often
Meat & Alternatives 2 to 3 servings per day Choose leaner meats, poultry and fish, as well as dried peas, beans and lentils more often
Other foods Taste and enjoyment can also come from other foods and beverages that are not part of the four food groups . These include beverages such as water, tea, coffee, alcohol and soft drinks, herbs, spices and condiments such as pickles, mustard and ketchup . Some of these “other” foods are higher in fat or calories, so use these foods in moderation . These include foods such as high-fat and/or high-salt snack foods like chips (potato, corn) and foods that are mostly sugar like jam, honey, syrup and candies

Whole grain products such as whole wheat, oats, barley or rye are suggested because they are high in starch and fibre .Enriched foods are recommended because they have some vitamins and minerals added to them . Treat yourself to multigrain breads, whole wheat bagels, enriched pasta, brown rice, ready-to-eat bran cereals or oatmeal .
Choose dark green and orange vegetables and orange fruit more often . These foods are higher than other fruits and vegetables in certain key nutrients like vitamin A and folacin . Go for salads, broccoli, spinach, squash, sweet potatoes, carrots, cantaloupes or orange juice .
Lower fat milk products have less fat and calories, yet still provide the high quality protein and calcium essential to healthy eating .
Whether it’s milk, yogurt, cheese or milk powder, choose the lower fat option . Look at lower % M .F . (milk fat) or % B .F . (butter fat) . Then you can have the refreshing taste of milk products with less fat .
Many leaner meats, poultry, fish and seafood choices are available to help you reduce your fat intake without losing important nutrients . Be sure to trim visible fat . Try baking, broiling, roasting or microwaving instead of frying, and drain off extra fat after cooking . To lower your fat while increasing your intake of starch and fibre, choose foods like baked beans, split pea soup or lentil casserole .
Different People Need Different
Amounts of Food
The amount of food you need every day from the four food groups and other foods depends on your age, body size, activity level, whether you are male or female and if you are pregnant or breast-feeding . That’s why the Food Guide gives a lower and higher number of servings for each food group .For example, young children can choose the lower number of servings, while male teenagers can go to the higher number . Most other people can choose servings somewhere in between.

Carbohydrate Corner

There are only two other nutrients besides carbohydrates that provide energy for your body: protein and fat . Protein has so many other important functions that your body doesn’t like to waste it by using it for energy . Diets high in fat are the last thing you want . That’s why carbohydrates are the preferred fuel source to keep your body running . Your brain and nervous system depend almost exclusively on carbohydrates for energy .


The fate of carbohydrate:
Your body needs a steady stream of carbohydrate to use at all times . Say you’re sitting on the couch, eating pretzels and drinking pop . Your body will use some of this carbohydrate immediately for energy . Any that is left over gets stored as glycogen in your muscles and liver to be used later for energy . Your muscles and liver can only store a limited amount of glycogen, so if there’s still more carbohydrate leftover, your body will store it elsewhere . If you continue to eat more pretzels and pop than your body requires, the excess will
be converted and stored as body fat . Unfortunately, once it’s stored as fat, your body cannot convert it back into carbohydrate
True or False: Carbohydrates are fattening .
Carbohydrates have the potential to be stored as body fat, however they are not considered to be fattening when compared with the fat you eat . Say you ate 100 more calories yesterday than your body needed for energy . Any excess calories that your body doesn’t need will get stored as body fat, whether they come from fat or carbohydrate . If the 100 excess calories were carbohydrate, your body would use about 23% of those calories to actually convert the carbohydrate into body fat . If the 100 excess calories were fat, your body would only use about 3% of those calories to convert the fat into body fat . Research indicates that the body is more efficient at storing excess fat than excess carbohydrate . Sad but true .
Carbohydrates are also a less concentrated source of calories than fat . Take for example an orange and a teaspoon of butter . They both contain about the same number of calories . But the orange consists of all carbohydrates while the butter consists of all fat . And what’s more likely to make you feel full, eating a big juicy orange or that little smear of butter? The orange will because it is bulkier . Carbohydrates fill you up more without providing a lot of calories . It’s easier to consume more calories on a high-fat diet then it is on a highcarbohydrate diet .
Where carbohydrate is found
Besides being used for fuel, and helping with weight management, there are a number of other reasons you want to have a diet rich in carbohydrates . Most carbohydrate foods provide you with vitamins, minerals and fibre, all essential for good health . Grains, fruits and vegetables also contain natural substances that can help to decrease our risk of heart disease and cance

Sugar (simple)
fruits and juices
sugar, honey, jam, syrup,
pop, candy
Starch (complex)
bread, bagels
rice, or other grain
legumes such as chick peas,
kidney beans, lentils

Confused About Cholesterol?
We do know that high blood cholesterol is a risk factor for heart disease, but the cholesterol and fat found in food are two different things and effect blood cholesterol differently .Take this test: Which do you think would more likely increase blood cholesterol levels, potato chips (many of which say low cholesterol on the bag) or shrimp? The potato chips are the culprits . Even though they are low in cholesterol, they contain a lot of fat, usually hydrogenated fat . The shrimp are high in cholesterol, yes, but are virtually fat-free . For most healthy individuals dietary cholesterol does not affect cholesterol levels as much as the amount of fat and the type of fat eaten .


Foods that can raise blood cholesterol levels

  • high-fat meats such as ribs, sausages, organ
  • meats, bacon, salami, hot dogs, ground beef
  • chicken skin
  • high-fat milk, yogurt and cheese
  • ice cream
  • cream, butter, shortening, lard
  • hydrogenated fats in fried foods and processed foods like chips, cookies and crackers
  • high-fat baked goods
  • (Refer to Healthy Eating Introduction and Fats in
  • this section for more information about choosing the right types of fats and lower fat foods .)Soluble fibre helps to lower blood cholesterol and is found in:
  • legumes such as kidney beans, chick peas, black eyed peas,
  • lentils, white beans• oatmeal, oatbran, barley
  • apples, citrus fruits, strawberries Other foods that promote heart health include:
  • whole grain breads and cereals, brown rice, whole wheat pasta
  • all types of fruits and vegetables
  • garlic and onions
  • fish, especially salmon, mackerel, white albacore tuna and sardines
  • soy bean products like tofu and soy milk
  • vegetable oils in moderation, such as olive, canola, sunflower and safflower

Omega-3 fatty acids
The omega-3 fatty acids found in fish are associated with a decreased risk of heart attacks . Generally, the fattier the fish the more omega-3’s it has . Stick with fish like salmon, mackerel, trout, sardines and white albacore tuna . To follow the advice of many experts, eat fish two to three times a week .canola oil, walnuts, soybean oil and flaxseed also contain omega-3 fatty acids of a different nature .Whether they offer the same protective effects as fish is yet to be determined .
Would you like your eggs scrambled, boiled, or poached?
Even though dietary cholesterol doesn’t have as much impact on your blood cholesterol levels as the amount and type of fat eaten, the World Health Organization recommends an upper intake of 300 mg of cholesterol per day . Eggs contain about 200 mg of cholesterol and 5 grams of fat but only 1 .5 grams of saturated fat . You don’t want to overdo it with eggs but they are highly nutritious and can be eaten in moderation as part of a balanced diet . Avoid frying them in butter and if you want to lower the fat content of recipes, substitute two egg whites for one egg . And look for omega-3 enriched eggs in your supermarket . They are produced by feeding hens a special diet that contains flaxseed, which in turn produces eggs

Diet Programs, Diet Pills & Meal Replacements

Diet Programs
Never say diet—that’s our motto .


Talk about counterproductive, boring and unpleasant .Dieting is one of the worst things you can do if you are trying to achieve or maintain a healthy body weight .

Commercial diet programs—and there are lots out there—may involve following a certain eating plan that restricts calories, require drinking shakes or eating bars to replace meals, or necessitate using the company’s own pre-packaged food to control your calorie intake . Your ultimate measure of success with these programs is weight loss . But having weight loss as your only reason to make diet changes is short-term thinking and not likely to stick with you for good . You may make changes to lose weight but once you reach your goal, often the motivation slides and the weight creeps back on . In many cases, a few extra pounds somehow show up as well . And if you don’t lose weight, then you feel you have failed . Dieting is neither natural, nor enjoyable, so don’t blame yourself for failure . Instead, make a commitment to start choosing healthy, energizing foods and being more active . Make gradual shifts in your lifestyle and have fun with the process . Dieting is out and healthy living is in!
Diet Pills
Diet pills may contain ingredients that numb your taste buds or contain fibre to make you feel full . But once you finish using them, you rediscover your natural appetite . Weight regain is a threat . Again, the focus should be on making real changes in the way you eat and live rather than looking for a pill to temporarily do the job for you . If products such as herbal remedies promise weight loss, a good rule of thumb is, if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is . Herbal remedies are not regulated in Canada so seek professional advice before you consider using them .
Meal Replacements
Meal replacements can be labelled as such if they contain a certain amount of calories, protein, vitamins and minerals .Essentially, they are a lower calorie meal with added vitamins and minerals . If you use them to replace one or two meals a day, they may result in weight loss, but it is likely temporary .Chances are, you’ll feel hungry if you rely on them . Or you may use them as convenient ways to get in a quick breakfast or lunch . While meal replacements are balanced nutritionally, they are usually low in fibre and lack the natural beneficial substances that are only found in food .
Meal replacements are OK to have on hand for a quick meal once in a while and they’re much better for you as snacks than doughnuts or chocolate bars, but to use them daily means you’re missing out on the important elements Mother Nature intended for you . And as a means to weight loss, if you can only use them temporarily, your weight loss will probably be

Eating Healthy When Travelling

Do you leave your healthy eating habits at home when you hit the road?Arriving home exhausted after travelling can be partly due to poor eating habits . It is true that trying different foods and indulging more than usual is one of the great pleasures of travel . But you can still do this without really going overboard . Remember that continually eating large portions and higher fat foods can drain your energy leaving you feeling worn out after business travel or vacation .

  • Travelling on business can spell trouble to your diet if you do not plan ahead .
  • Take emergency snacks from home to substitute for other high-fat snacks offered or if meals are delayed .Low-fat granola bars, energy bars, crackers, or plain cookies all work well .
  • Visit a nearby store to buy fruit for the hotel room or car .
  • Skip the muffins and croissants at breakfast meetings .Instead buy cereal, milk, bagels and juice for breakfast and eat ahead of time .
  • If snacks are offered in between meals, only eat if you are hungry . Otherwise, they are excess calories that your body doesn’t need .
  • If dinner is expected to be late, eat a healthy snack that you have brought along to prevent building up a huge appetite .
  • At business meals, put the value on your health instead of the quantity of food you eat . Eat the same amount as you would eat at home .
  • Minimize alcohol intake . It can be the culprit for needless fatigue the next day . It can also weaken good intentions and set you up to overeat .
  • Drink plenty of water to help you stay alert .


Air Travel

  • Make a habit of ordering a heart healthy or lower fat meal when you make your plane reservations .
  • Pack some survival snacks for unexpected delays and long hours between meals . Low-fat energy bars, granola bars, crackers and mini boxes of raisins all work well.
  • At breakfast pass on the eggs, sausages and croissants and choose the cereal, fruit and yogurt .
  • Drink water or juice frequently to help prevent dehydration .

You may decide to indulge on your vacation a little more than usual but you still want to keep your energy level high . Stick with amounts of foods that you would normally eat at home, even if you decide to choose something higher in fat . You can balance higher fat days with lower fat ones . Consuming too much alcohol is a sure way to fatigue . It prevents you from getting a good sleep and dehydrates you . If you consume alcoholic beverages, stick with one or two drinks at a time and drink plenty of water .You do not want to finish your vacation feeling like you need another one .
Cruise Ships
Some people call these floating buffet tables . You can really go overboard with all the food available on cruise ships . There’s just so much of it and ships tend to offer food all day long . But you don’t have to end up drowning in a sea of overeating .Many cruise lines now offer healthy dining options to choose from and fitness facilities . Choose those foods that you really would like to eat and leave the others . This way you’re satisfied without filling up too much . And getting in exercise first thing in the morning can put you in a state of mind that helps you make healthier choices the rest of the day.

Energy for Work & Play

Do you hit the snooze button one too many times? Do you have a hard time getting through the day without wishing for a nap? Do you arrive home without enough energy to get in that exercise you planned? Lack of sleep, stress and an unhealthy diet can all contribute to fatigue . Along with eating a healthy diet, here are a few more tips to help you make it to the finish line:


  • Fatigue is one of the most common symptoms of dehydration . Get in at least six to eight cups of hydrating fluid (water, milk, and juice) each day and more if you’re active .Start drinking them in the morning and throughout the day . Make at least half of your fluid intake water .
  • Eat breakfast . Breakfast gets your mind and body revved up and ready to go .
  • Eat every four to six hours . Be a grazer . If you eat low-fat meals in moderate amounts it’s normal to get hungry every four to six hours . If you go longer than this between meals, fit a snack in . If you go too long without eating you can start to feel tired and you may be setting yourself up to overeat .
  • Eat just until comfortably full and make low-fat selections .High-fat meals and large portions will only make you feel sluggish .
  • Be a daytime eater, not a nighttime eater . Your body needs the most energy during the day and less at night so eat accordingly . Three meals and one to two snacks are what most people need .
  • Alcohol can make us feel sleepy and a drink in the evening can interrupt your sleep so you don’t feel as rested in the morning . If you do drink, stick with one or two at a time well before bedtime and drink plenty of water .(Refer to Breakfast, Water and Alcohol in this Section for more
Fast Food

Dining out is one of life’s pleasures . It was once a rare treat, but these days it has evolved into a daily lifestyle . If you dineout occasionally, choosing a high fat meal won’t affect your overall health . But if you frequent restaurants regularly or visit the company cafeteria daily, what you choose from the menu can have a considerable impact on your well being .Complete the quiz below to see how you might fare when trying to choose healthy restaurant foods .Circle which is the healthier choice


muffin or bagel with jampancakes with syrup or croissant poached eggs with back bacon or eggs benedict
ham sandwich or caesar saladchicken souvlaki or chicken fingersquiche or chili turkey submarine or macaroni and cheese
fajitas or nachos chicken wings or vegetarian pizza slicelasagna with garlic bread or perogies with tomato sauce veal cacciatore or chicken pot pie
Breakfast: bagel with jam, pancakes with syrup, poached eggs with back bacon
Lunch: ham sandwich, chicken souvlaki, chili, turkey submarine
Dinner: fajitas, vegetarian pizza slice, perogies with tomato sauce, veal cacciatore.



A plug for fat Fat gets a bad rap . It’s actually good for you . Yes, good for you . It’s all about which type and how much fat you eat that decides whether fat is your friend or foe, so read on .


Along with carbohydrates, fat fuels your body at all times including during exercise . But unlike carbohydrates which are in a short supply in your body, fat is stored in abundance . Even the average lean person has enough fat stored to run several marathons in a row! So the bottom line is that most people don’t need to be concerned about fueling up with fat . However, you do need small amounts to perform other functions . Fat aids in nutrient exchange between cells, helps absorb fat-soluble vitamins such as A, D and E, contributes to a feeling of fullness, regulates blood pressure and blood clot formation and helps maintain immune function .
Balancing your fat intake
Some fat is essential for good health, but eating too much of it can carry you in the other direction, increasing risk of weight gain, heart disease and certain cancers . The recommended fat intake is no more than 30% of your total daily calorie intake . Aiming for 20 to 25% is better if you want to lose weight . Because fat is essential for good health, th


World Health Organization recommends a lower limit of 15% of calories coming from fat .Choosing the best of the fatsAll fats have the same number of calories and can cause weight gain if eaten in excess . However, some fats are healthier for us than others .Saturated fats
• can increase blood cholesterol and promote heart disease
sources: meats, chicken, high-fat dairy products, butter, palm kernel oil, coconut oil .
recommendation: limit the amount in your diet by choosing lean cuts of meat, chicken without the skin and lower fat dairy products .
Unsaturated fats
• help to lower blood cholesterol when eaten in moderation


and perform the essential functions in the body
sources: most vegetable oils, high fat fish, nuts and seeds .recommendation: choose in moderation regularly .
Which is better, margarine or butter?
For people who thought they were doing the right thing by choosing margarine over butter, it came as quite a blow to learn in the early 90s that trans fatty acids found in some margarines, can raise blood cholesterol levels just like the saturated fat of butter . Trans fatty acids are produced when a liquid vegetable oil like sunflower or corn oil is hardened via a process called hydrogenation . Oils are hydrogenated to make them more spreadable, to help extend the shelf life of products and are often used in deep-frying . Today you can purchase non-hydrogenated margarines that contain palm kernel or coconut oil instead of hydrogenated oil . Even though these two vegetable oils are saturated, these types of margarines contain less of the harmful fats than butter . Be a label reader to get the whole story .
Overall, we feel that you should limit the use of margarine or butter where possible . Learn to love a piece of fragrant crusty bread on it own . Pancakes taste just as good with just a splash of syrup or jam and if you use flavourful spreads like mustards and low-fat dips, you’ll never miss the greasy kid stuff .
Limiting trans fatty acids in your diet
Choose most oftenVegetable oils such as olive, canola, sunflower, safflower, corn, soybean Soft, non-hydrogenated margarineSalad dressings made with oil Nuts and seeds in moderation Avocado and olives in moderation Choose less often Cream Butter Shortening
Lard Hard margarine Regular cream cheese (Refer to Healthy Eating Introduction in this Section for a guide to choosing lower fat foods .)
Trans fatty acids aren’t listed on food labels but if you see hydrogenated oil or shortening in the ingredient list then trans fatty acids are present in the product . Many processed foods like crackers, cookies, chips and fried foods contain them . It’s virtually impossible to eliminate all trans fatty acids from your diet, however you can minimize your intake by eating more fresh food and less processed food . When cooking or baking, use pure vegetable oils instead of either butter or margarine .
Calling all cheese lovers
For many people, cheese is a major source of saturated fat and calories . But there is a way to still enjoy cheese without all the
fat . Use cheeses that are naturally lower in fat like goat cheese, feta, ricotta and cottage cheese . Many of the other high-fat cheeses like cheddar, come in lower-fat versions . Choose ones that have less than 20% milk fat (M .F .) . In some grocery stores you can find a spreadable low-fat cheese (Quark) that you can use on bagels or mix into pasta sauce for a low-fat cream sauce .And a sprinkle of Parmesan cheese only has 2 grams of fat . If you’re a cheese lover, these lower fat cheeses can make a big difference to your diet (refer to Fats and Cholesterol in this section for more information)

Fibre Facts


Most health professionals recommend an intake of 25 to 35 grams of fibre per day.
How does your fibre intake rate?



Boosting your Fibre Intake
Not to be indelicate, but some people find introducing fibre into their diets a real gas . Increase your fibre intake gradually so it isn’t too much of drastic change for your system . If you have some unpleasant side effects, cut back on the fibre and start adding it more slowly to your diet . A product called BEANO can help . And drink plenty of water because fibre needs water to work well .

  • Eat at least five servings of fruits and vegetables a day and eat the skin when feasible.
  • Regularly choose whole grain breads like whole wheat pita, bread, multi grain bread.
  • Choose higher fibre cereals . .
  • Eat brown rice more often than white .
  • Add bran cereal to yogurt .
  • Make homemade bran muffins and store in freezer for a quick snack .
  • Eat legumes two to three times a week.

Most people don’t need to be worried about getting too much fibre . However, a very high fibre diet is a cause for concern . Excess fibre can decrease absorption of certain minerals such as iron, zinc, and calcium . Too much bulk can also cause dehydration . The World Health Organization recommends a

Food Labelling Lingo

If you’re making the switch to healthier eating, reading labels is a great way to start . In fact, you can always spot the healthy shoppers in the grocery store . They’re the ones studying cans and the sides of boxes . There is an increasing amount of information on food labels to help you choose healthier products . If you’re just starting to read labels, visit the store a few times when you aren’t rushed so you have time to examine them .Once you get the hang of it, you’ll feel more confident in identifying the healthier choices . Read on for a few helpful hints on how to decipher food labels.


Three main areas of nutrition information
1) Ingredient list—the list is mandatory for all manufacturers to have on food labels . The ingredients are listed in the order
of the amount in the product, according to weight . The first ingredient is in the product the most and the last ingredient is in the product the least . If the first ingredient is butter or another type of fat, make a healthier choice .
2) Nutrition Claim—a nutrition claim is used to highlight a key nutrition feature of the product . It is often on the front of the package in big, bold type . The government has regulations on most claims, meaning that if the product claims to be “a source of fibre,” it has to follow certain standards .
3) Nutrition Information Panel—provides detailed facts about certain nutrients . This panel is not mandatory, but if it is included, it has to give information about certain core nutrients including calories, carbohydrate, fat, protein and a

Nutrition Claim What It Means Notes
Low-fat The product can not have more than three grams of fat per given . serving . Check the serving size that is. If your serving is a lot more than this, remember that the product may not be low-fatfor you anymore
Light Has to state why it is “light” Light can describe various properties of the product .It could be lower in fat, calories, alcohol, sodium or lighter in colour, flavour or texture . “Light” or “Lite” doesn’t always mean lower in fat
Cholesterol-free No more than 3 mg of cholesterol per 100 g Certain products like oil or French fries may have a “cholesterol-free” claim . However, it doesn’t mean they are low in fat . Cholesterol is only found in animal products so a product that says cholesterol free can still be high in fat and hydrogenated fat
Fat-free No more than 0 .5 g of fat per serving Many reduced-fat baked goods and cookies contain much more sugar than their full-fat counterparts and the same number
of calories . Use these products in moderation instead of filling up on them
Calorie reduced Contains 50% fewer calories than the regular version Usually lower in fat or sugar .
Low sodium Contains 50% less sodium than the regular product or no more than 40 mg of sodium per 100 g Recommended sodium intake is 2400 mg per day .
Fat-free No more than 0 .5 g of fat per serving Many reduced-fat baked goods and cookies contain much more sugar than their full-fat counterparts and the same number
of calories . Use these products in moderation instead of filling up on them
Calorie reduced Contains 50% fewer calories than the regular version Usually lower in fat or sugar .
Low sodium Contains 50% less sodium than the regular product or no more than 40 mg of sodium per 100 g Recommended sodium intake is 2400 mg per day .
Source of fibre
High source of fibre
Very high source of fibre
At least 2 g of fibre per serving
At least 4 g of fibre per serving
At least 6 g of fibre per serving
Recommended sodium intake
is 25 to 35 g per day .
Natural Not expected to contain any added vitamins or minerals, artificial flavouring or food additive “Natural” doesn’t necessarily mean healthier . Read the entire food label to get the whole picture

Food Additives
Generally food additives are substances added to a food in the course of production, processing or packaging . They are used to maintain nutritional quality, preserve foods and aid in processing . Some food additives may be natural in origin, such as lecithin (obtained from soybeans), or they could be synthetically produced . Both need to be assessed for safety and are subject to strict testing before being approved . The control of food additives is the responsibility of the Health Protection Branch of Health and Welfare Canada who continually review the additives in use.

Fruits & Vegetables

Five a day—that’s the magic number of servings of fruits and vegetables you are recommended to eat daily . And the more the better . There is no disagreement among scientists that fruit and vegetables can help prevent many chronic diseases . They are the richest sources of the healthy promoting antioxidants but they also contain numerous other phytochemicals (natural plant substances), many of which haven’t been identified yet, that act to stave off chronic diseases such as heart disease and cancer . Fruits and vegetables contribute high dose nutrition in low-calorie packages . They help to fill you up and raise your energy level . They provide fibre that helps to lower cholesterol, regulate blood sugar, reduce cancer risk and prevent intestinal problems . Fruits and vegetables have also been linked to helping control high blood pressure . One serving equals one medium sized fruit or vegetable, 1 cup (250 mL) of greens or 1⁄2 cup (125 mL) of fruit or vegetable or it’s juice .


True or False: When it comes to greens, the darker the leaves, the more nutritious .True . Try arugula, romaine or spinach instead of iceberg lettuce when making salads or topping a sandwich .
True or False: Fresh vegetables are more nutritious than frozen or canned .Often this is false unless the produce is really fresh . Canned and frozen produce is usually processed immediately after harvest so the nutrients are in a sense “locked in .” The only drawback to canned vegetables is the extra sodium added in the packaging process.


Tips For Upping Your Intake

  • Have them on hand! The first step is to always have easy access to fruits and vegetables . Visit the store twice a week to pick up fresh produce .
  • Keep canned and frozen fruits and vegetables on hand to use when fresh supplies run out and for convenience .
  • If you’re short on time, buy pre-cut, pre-bagged vegetables . The packaging slows nutrient losses so they can be just as nutritious as fresh.
  • Add fruit or fruit juice to breakfast . Top your cereal with fruit or mix into yogurt . Keep dried fruit on hand, such as dates, apricots and raisins for variety .
  • Reach for fruits and vegetables when the snack attack hits .Choose fruit for snacks more often than crackers or low-fat cookies .Bananas and apples are great portable fruit . Keep a supply in the office for convenience .
  • If you have trouble eating vegetables during the day, have a hefty serving with your dinner . To make it easier, have one kind of vegetable each night and change it from day to day .
  • When cooking vegetables, make double the batch to have for leftovers another time .
  • If your fresh vegetables are starting to deteriorate, cook them up in a stir-fry so they will last a couple more days .
  • When having a meal, fill up one-quarter to one-half of the plate with vegetables .
  • Make a big batch of vegetable soup, such as carrot or squash and freeze in containers .
  • Keep frozen blueberries and strawberries in the freezer for an easy winter treat .
  • If your bananas are ripening too quickly for you to keep up, slice them into a container and freeze . Enjoy them frozen as a smooth, sweet dessert .
  • Consume fruits and vegetables daily that are dark green, yellow and orange in colour, which are high in antioxidants .Examples include oranges, kiwis, strawberries, cantaloupe.
Grocery Shopping

Is a healthy lifestyle just for the rich? Some people claim that they just don’t have the money to spend on healthy foods . But the notion that healthy foods are more expensive than their unhealthy counterparts is a common myth . A grocery cart filled with fruits, vegetables, whole grain breads and cereals, legumes, lean meat like chicken and fish is not as expensive as one filled with frozen dinners, cookies and chips . And if you buy enough food items to make more meals at home, you will save even more .Take the time to do some comparison shopping . Watch for weekly specials and buy double to stock in the cupboards or the freezer .


Tips for Grocery Shopping

  • Keep an ongoing shopping list at home to take with you .
  • Choose a few recipes from a healthy cookbook and jot down the needed ingredients .
  • Shop every week to make sure your kitchen is well stocked .
  • Never shop an empty stomach . The fatty snacks and sweet foods look a lot more appealing when you are starving!
  • Visit the outer parameter of the store first . That’s where you’ll find the basic fresh foods . Breads, fruits, vegetables, milk products, lean meat, chicken and fish are all found on the outskirts (“shop the walls”) .
  • Buy enough to freeze—breads, bagels, low-fat muffins, flour tortillas, berries and light frozen dinners for those nights that you can’t put a meal together .

Your Shopping List
Fruits and Vegetables
fresh – include dark green and orange
like oranges, spinach, carrots, kiwis,
broccoli and peppers
frozen berries and vegetables
canned vegetables and fruit in water or
its own juice
dried fruit—raisins, dates, apricots
Milk Products
Milk— 1% or skim
yogurt— 2% milk fat or less
cheese— 20% milk fat or less
fat-free sour cream
Condiments and Oils
vegetable oil like canola, olive, sunflower
corn, safflower
lower fat mayonnaise and salad dressings
soft, non-hydrogenated margarine
lemon juice
low-fat bottled sauces like barbecue,
mustard, salsa, balsamic vinegar,
flavoured vinegars
low-fat broth

Lactose Intolerance

Bodybreak_Book181You may have heard people talk about being “lactose intolerant” and wondered what they mean . People who are lactose intolerant have trouble digesting the sugar in milk, which is called lactose . When they eat or drink milk products they may experience some pretty unpleasant symptoms like excess gas, stomach cramps and diarrhea . Lactose intolerance seems to be an inherited trait, however some people can develop it temporarily when sick . It affects people to varying degrees .Some can tolerate a glass of milk a day; others can only eat cheese, while others have to avoid even the smallest amount of lactose . If you suspect you have a lactose intolerance, see your doctor for a diagnosis . It may be a lactose intolerance or there may be another reason for your abdominal discomfort that should be checked out .

  • The main concern with lactose intolerance is that someone who avoids milk products is at risk of having a diet deficient in calcium . If you are lactose intolerant you may still be able to consume milk products in certain quantities and here’s how:
  • Tips to Improve Your Tolerance
  • Hard cheeses and yogurt are generally better tolerated than milk because they have less lactose . Buy yogurt with active cultures (bacteria) because it has the least amount of lactose . And hard cheeses are virtually lactose-free .
  • Consume milk and yogurt in smaller quantities, about 1⁄2 cup (125 mL) at a time . If this works for you, gradually increase and monitor your reaction .
  • Consume milk products with a meal or snack . This slows down the digestion and improves tolerance .
  • Increase milk products in the diet gradually . Your body may adjust to a larger amount of lactose over time .
  • Buy lactose-reduced milk or yogurt, which is almost lactose- free .
  • Lactase tablets or drops, which breakdown the lactose for you, are available to add to milk or take with milk products .
  • If none of the above work, soy milk that has been fortified .with calcium is available to boost your calcium intake.
Parties & Celebrations

Festive times and holidays seem to always involve celebrating with food . It makes sense to us; food is one of life’s great pleasures! Indulging occasionally at parties will not wreak havoc on your diet, in fact treating yourself occasionally can help you follow a healthy eating plan in the long run . If you attend celebrations often or find that festive dining stretches over several months, then the tips below could help you enjoy your food while not overdoing it .


  • Don’t skip meals during the day to “save up” for a special meal . You’re setting yourself up to really indulge and overeat as soon as you get in the door, only to feel sluggish afterwards .
  • If dinner will be served late, have a snack a few hours before you leave home to dampen your hunger .
  • Enjoy a couple of appetizers or party nibbles, but save room for the main meal . Feeling full before dinner starts is a sure sign of overdoing it .
  • Savour the food as a pleasant accent to the event but not the only reason that you are there . If you tend to overeat at buffet tables, choose only your favourites . Don’t hang around the table where unconscious snacking can occur .
  • Be a selective eater and choose only what you feel like eating . Don’t take second helpings to make the cook happy .Compliment thechef on a great meal . You don’t owe anybody an explanation . Just smile, say it was delicious and you enjoyed it thoroughly and change the subject .
  • Eat slowly . It takes at least 20 minutes for your brain to register that you are full . If you gobble your food, you will likely overeat .
  • Don’t deprive yourself of favourite holiday foods . Just enjoy them without overdoing it .
  • If you drink alcoholic beverages, alternate alcoholic with non-alcoholic drinks andconsume plenty of water .
  • Food is enjoyed more if you take the time to eat slowly and taste every bite; do not overeat and eat only what you want . Taking these steps will have you feeling a lot better after the meal and into the next day

Sometimes it’s not what you choose but how much you choose that’s the problem . Here are some tips to prevent you from walking away from the table too full:


If you “save up your appetite” for that restaurant meal, more than likely you’ll create an appetite that’s hard to satisfy . Have your regular meals that day and if dinner is planned later than usual, eat a snack to dampen your hunger . Arrive to the table with a pleasant appetite, not a ravenous one .
Most of the time an appetizer, bread, plus a main meal is too much for one person . Try splitting a main entrée or appetizer or just order two appetizers . If you really feel like dessert, split it with someone else and have the whole thing just on rare occasions .
Put the value on your health rather than on the quantity of food you consume . It is no bargain if the extra food thickens your waistline or clogs your arteries .Learn to ask for a doggie bag . Who cares if all you have is a goldfish? That way you have tomorrow’s lunch and calories spread over two meals
It takes about 20 minutes for you to feel full . If you are a fast eater, chances are you’ll eat too much . Slow down and chew your food well . Take time to sip water throughout the meal .Talk to your dining companions . You can’t do that with your mouth full and it will slow you down .
More than likely the food on your plate is more than your body needs . Eat until just comfortably full, not overly full . You want to feel energized after the meal, not sluggish . Try leaving just a few bites of food on your plate to get used to the idea . Ask yourself if you would rather waste the food on the garbage or on you . Also, remember the doggie bag option .
The size of a deck of cards is a healthy size portion of meat or poultry . The top portion of your thumb is about a teaspoon of margarine (try to stick with 1 to 2 teaspoons of oil or margarine at a meal) . Your servings of grains and vegetables should be at least the size of a fist, which is about a cup . In other words, your plate should be about 1⁄4 to 1⁄3 protein (meat, chicken, or fish) and 2⁄3 to 1⁄4 grains (rice, pasta, bread) and vegetables . The protein portion should be the side dish while the grains and vegetables the main part.

Title Pre, During & Post Exercise Eating

Good nutrition gives you enough energy to start a workout, helps you perform at your best during exercise and finally, lets you recover quickly . Here are some guidelines to help you choose the right foods before and after you exercise:Eating Before Exercise Purpose of the pre-exercise snack.


  • to prevent hunger before and during exercise
  • to prevent low blood sugar and its symptoms of dizziness and fatigue
  • to provide fuel for muscles for activity lasting longer than 60 to 90 minutes . For shorter workouts, your muscles will use the energy they have already stored, not the energy from the pre-exercise snack

Generally you need a pre-exercise snack if you haven’t eaten in four to six hours, feel hungry or are going to be doing endurance exercise . What the stomach can tolerate before exercise is an individual thing . Some people experience nausea or indigestion if they exercise after eating . Some may find bananas are great fuel, others swear by multigrain cereal . You may need to experiment with pre-exercise eating to find what works for you Factors affecting pre-exercise food tolerance

  • Intensity of exercise

During high intensity exercise your stomach gets only 20% of its normal blood flow which slows the digestive process and can cause stomach cramps . During low or moderate intensity exercise your stomach gets 60 to 70% of normal blood flow so you can still digest food and exercise comfortably .

  • Type of exercise

Those who do sports where the body moves up and down, such as running, tend to be more sensitive to pre-exercise eating than those in sports where the body is relatively stable, as in cycling . So you may be able to eat a sandwich 30 minutes before a bike ride, but could never tolerate it before a run .
Timing of meals
To digest your food, generally allow four hours for a large meal, two to three hours for a smaller meal, and one hour or less for a small snack .
What to eat
Which of the following is not a good choice for a pre-exercise
Peanuts are high in fat so they would be the poor choice . Pre exercise foods should be high in carbohydrate, low to moderate in protein and low in fat . Carbohydrate is digested the quickest and is least likely to bother your stomach, followed by protein and fat

Here are some pre-exercise snack suggestions:
• low-fat cookies (arrowroot, • low-fat crackers (sodasocial tea, graham wafers) crackers, melba toast)
• yogurt • fruit
• cereal • pretzels
• bagel, bread • pasta
Morning exercisers
Your blood sugar is low in the morning . Eating or drinking something first thing in the morning increases your blood sugar and improves mental alertness . Remember, your brain uses blood sugar for energy or did you skip breakfast and can’t recall that fact? This pre-exercise snack will also give your muscles energy if you are exercising for longer than 60 to 90 minutes .
Eating During Exercise
For exercise that lasts less than an hour, water is all that is needed . For exercise lasting longer than an hour, consuming carbohydrate may help improve performance . About 30-60 grams of carbohydrate per hour seems to help stamina .Either liquids or solids can be consumed, however liquids tend to be tolerated best

Which of the following can help you recover after a workout?
diet cola
Fruit is the number one choice here . After exercise you want to replace the fluid lost and replenish the muscle energy you just spent . The only way to do this is to eat carbohydrate and drink non-alcoholic, decaffeinated beverages . Beer and diet cola are poor choices for recovery fluids . Beer is a poor source of carbohydrates and diet cola provides none at all . Orange juice has three times the amount of carbohydrate that beer does . The alcohol in beer and caffeine in cola are both dehydrating . The high-carbohydrate, low-fat suggestions for preexercise snacking are also appropriate for after exercise .
Endurance exercisers
If you workout day after day, participate in all-day tournaments or workout more than once a day, you’ll want to pay particular attention to your recovery food . After participating in endurance activity, your muscle fuel or glycogen will likely be close to empty . It usually takes at least 24 hours to replenish it . Muscles are most receptive to storing glycogen immediately after exercise . The longer you wait to eat, the longer it takes to replenish glycogen stores . If your muscles don’t catch up before your next workout, you will suffer from early muscle fatigue the next time out . Start eating carbohydrate-rich foods 15 to 30 minutes after exercise . Adding protein packed foods to your post-workout snack can enhance glycogen re-synthesis and muscle repair when eaten after exercise . Foods like yogurt, milk or meat all provide protein (refer to Water and Sports Drinks in this section for fluid and electrolyte needs pre, during and post exercise)


Protein was named 150 years ago after the Greek word proteios: of prime importance

Protein is an essential nutrient . It helps you resist infection, recover from illness, develop strong muscles and leads to healthy skin, shiny hair and strong nails . Protein is made up of chains of amino acids . There are 20 amino acids, half of which your body makes on its own . The other half you need to get from your diet and therefore are called essential amino acids . Without them, the body cannot make the proteins it needs to do its work .


Protein was named 150 years ago after the Greek word proteios: of prime importance

Protein is an essential nutrient . It helps you resist infection, recover from illness, develop strong muscles and leads to healthy skin, shiny hair and strong nails . Protein is made up of chains of amino acids . There are 20 amino acids, half of which your body makes on its own . The other half you need to get from your diet and therefore are called essential amino acids . Without them, the body cannot make the proteins it needs to do its work .


True or False: Amino acid supplements are needed for building muscle mass
Active people do need a bit more protein, however their needs can easily be met by eating whole foods . Too much of one amino acid from supplements can decrease the absorption of another, causing an imbalance . They also increase the risk of dehydration .
A high-carbohydrate diet is needed to provide fuel for resistance training with just enough protein to support muscle growth . What happens to excess protein that you eat? You guessed it: Your body converts it to body fat

Animal versus plant protein
Animal protein such as meat, poultry, fish, eggs, milk products and one source of plant protein, the soybean, provide all your essential amino acids and are known as complete protein . Other plant proteins such as legumes and nuts are considered to be incomplete because they are missing one or more of the essential amino acids . However, they are considered complementary because they can be combined to make complete proteins . Those who avoid all animal products need to be especially careful to combine complementary proteins together . In the past, vegetarians were told to combine these proteins at each meal . Now we know that eating them over the course of the day is equally effective (refer to Vegetarian Diets in the section for more information) .
Combining incomplete protein sources to make complete protein:

Legumes + Grains Legumes + Seeds
kidney beans and rice chick peas and tahini (as in hummus)
chick peas and pasta bean soup topped with sesame
split pea soup and roll bean salad with walnuts
baked beans on toast
peanut butter sandwich


Are you a late night snacker who settles in for the evening with a bowl of potato chips? Or are you a grazer who snacks throughout the day? Snacks can fill the hunger gap and give you energy to get through the day but they can also add unneeded calories if you’re not really hungry for them.


To keep energy levels up and to help with weight management eat every 3 to 6 hours when hungry . For most people this means three meals and 1 to 2 snacks per day . If you go longer than 6 hours without eating, or get hungry between meals, this is when you need to refuel with a snack . Despite popular belief, snacking after dinner is perfectly all right, as long as you’re hungry . Eat something that’s low in fat and not too large a portion so it doesn’t ruin your appetite for breakfast the next day . The mistake many people make is not eating enough during the day and overindulging at night which can result in weight gain and low energy levels.
High-fat snacks will only leave you feeling sluggish . So when snack attacks do hit, opt for lower fat snacks that will give you a boost of energy and won’t ruin your appetite for meals .

  • fresh or canned fruit
  • yogurt, less than 2% M .F . (milk fat)
  • milk, less than 1% M .F .
  • bagels, bread
  • crackers—soda crackers, melba toast,
  • bread sticks, rice cakes
  • low-fat granola bars, cereal bars, or energy bars
  • pretzels
  • homemade muffin or store-bought, low-fat mix
  • vegetable sticks—carrots, peppers
  • dried fruit
  • cereal
  • popcorn—plain or lightly buttered
  • cookies—arrowroot, social tea, graham wafer, fig newtons
  • homemade trail mix with dry cereal, pretzels, dried fruit
  • and handful of nuts

Snack ideas:

  • Keep sliced banana, grapes, blueberries or even peas in the freezer for a tasty frozen .
  • Make your own tortilla chips by cutting flour tortillas into wedges, placing them on a cookie sheet and baking them at 375° F (190° C) for about 8 minutes . Enjoy with salsa,
  • hummus or bean dip (refer to Push It To The Maximum Pita Chips in the Recipe section for a variation) .
  • Keep low-fat muffins in the freezer for a quick, convenient snack

Sodium, which makes up 40% of salt, is necessary for life, but you don’t need very much . Research shows that a high-sodium diet is associated with elevated blood pressure . It is true that some people can shake that salt and not suffer from high blood pressure, while others are more sodium sensitive .


Canada’s Food Guide to Healthy Eating recommend limiting salt . If you’re hooked on salty foods, you’ll be surprised how quickly you can lose your taste for salt once you start to cut down . Most of our sodium comes not from the salt shaker but from processed foods .

However, you don’t want to be too heavy with the shaker . Try to break the automatic salting habit and take a bite before you reach for the shaker . If it needs salt, a light shake supplies only a small amount of sodium
Foods High in Sodium
canned or dry soups, bouillon cubes
pickles, olives
processed meats like sausages, bacon, ham, bologna
salted nuts, popcorn, pretzels, snack foods
ketchup, soy sauce, barbecue sauce
salted crackers
convenience foods such as frozen dinners,
dry mixes, canned foods
fast foods such as hamburgers, fried chicken
Choosing fresh foods as much as possible will help to keep your sodium intake in check . Examine labels of convenience foods . If sodium appears near the beginning of the ingredient list or appears several times, the product is likely high in sodium

Sports Drinks

True or False: Sports drinks can prevent fatigue during exercise . That depends . If you’re exercising for less than an hour, water is sufficient as a fluid replacement . If exercising more than 60 to 90 minutes, consuming some carbohydrate, such as in sports drinks, can give you a boost of energy  The energy you have stored in your muscles is called glycogen . Glycogen stores usually last about 1 1⁄2 to 2 1⁄2 hours for moderate intensity exercise . Once your glycogen stores are low your muscles rely on blood sugar for energy . The blood sugar needed would come from carbohydrates eaten before and during exercise . If glycogen stores empty and the person does not refuel with carbohydrates, extreme muscle and mental fatigue will set in . A marathoner may describe it as “hitting the wall .”


Choosing a sports drinkSports drinks such as Gatorade, AllSport and Powerade are diluted forms of carbohydrate, which are designed to be digested quickly and provide fuel for endurance activity . When choosing a sports drink, pick one that has 6 to 8 grams of carbohydrate per 100 mL of the drink . You could also make your own carbohydrate drink by diluting one part fruit juice with one part water . When drinking during exercise, juice must be diluted because it is too concentrated to be absorbed quickly on its own .
Electrolyte replacement
Generally, most exercisers do not need to worry about sodium or potassium replenishment during exercise . Any electrolytes you lose through sweat can be sufficiently replaced with your post workout meal .
Athletes who exercise for more than four hours in extreme heat are at risk of developing medical problems from losing too much sodium (by this we mean long distance cyclists, soccer or tennis players in tournaments, ultra-endurance runners) . They should eat salty foods before, during and after their workout . During exercise, they would need 250 to 500 mg of sodium per hour, the amount in 20 to 40 oz . of
Gatorade . These athletes should not rely on juice for sodium replenishment, as it is low in sodium . Salty foods that help with maintaining sodium balance include pretzels, tomato juice, soup, and salted crackers.

Vegetarian Diets

Years ago vegetarian diets were few and far between . Now more people are jumping on the vegetarian bandwagon, creating all different eating types:Semi-vegetarian: includes everything except red meat

Pesco vegetarian: includes everything


except red meat and poultry
Lacto-ovo vegetarian: includes milk products and eggs but no meat, poultry or fish
Lacto vegetarian: includes milk but no eggs, meat, poultry or fish
Vegan: no animal products
Myth: It is hard to eat enough protein on a vegetarian diet .
Truth:Vegetarian diets usually supply enough protein . Tofu, soybean products, soy milk, legumes and peanut butter all supply a good amount of protein . The vegetarian needs to consume these sources of protein rather than just eating grains, fruit and vegetables to ensure adequate protein and nutrient intake .
Myth:Vegetarians need to eat complimentary proteins together at the same meal .
Truth:Vegetarian sources of protein (except soybeans) are incomplete proteins . In other words they are missing one or more of the essential amino acids . However, different vegetable proteins can be combined to make complete proteins . Legumes combined with grains
(beans and rice, peanut butter sandwich), and legumes with seeds (bean salad with walnuts) make complete proteins . In the past, vegetarians were told to combine these proteins at each meal . Now we know that they can be eaten hours apart or much later in the day and still be effective . Eating a variety of grains, vegetables, legumes, seeds and soybean products will give the vegetarian a full complement of amino acids .
Myth: Vegetarian diets are healthier than meat-eaters’ diets .
Truth: Research does seem to indicate that a vegetarian diet may offer protection against obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, digestive disorders and some forms of cancer . However it depends on which form the vegetarian diet takes . One that is high in fatty snacks and sweets and deficient in nutrients in unlikely to offer the same benefits . Likewise, a non-vegetarian diet that includes small amounts of lean meat, chicken and fish with lots of whole grains, fruits and vegetables can provide many of the same advantages .
Myth: Vegetarian diets provide all essential nutrients .
Truth: A well-planned vegetarian diet can provide you with enough of all the nutrients except vitamin B12 that is found almost exclusively in animal products . If you exclude all animal products it’s a good idea to take a B12 supplement (1 to 2 mcg per day) or drink fortified
soy milk (check the label) .
Myth:Vegetarians do not need to be concerned with consuming enough vitamins and minerals .
Truth: The nutrients of concern in a vegan diet are vitamins B12, B2 (riboflavin), D, calcium, iron and zinc . For those who do not include milk products regularly iron and zinc may be lacking .
Riboflavin: sources include milk products, eggs, legumes, tofu, broccoli, almonds, peas, sweet potato, asparagus, raspberries and strawberries .
Vitamin D: mainly found in milk . Your skin also synthesizes it from exposure to summer sunlight . If you avoid milk and have limited sun exposure you may need a vitamin D supplement of 100 to 400 IU per day .
Calcium: mainly found in milk products . Other sources include tofu made with calcium, fortified soy milk, canned salmon with bones, broccoli and legumes . Even so, it’s hard to get enough calcium every day from these foods, with one exception . Two to three cups of soy milk fortified with calcium provides you with enough . Without milk products or fortified soy milk in your diet you’ll probably need a calcium supplement .
Iron: found in vegetarian foods . However, it is absorbed best from meat, poultry and fish . Other sources include whole grains and enriched cereals, cream of wheat, legumes, tofu, dried fruit, eggs, potato with skin, peas and broccoli . Vegetarians should include a citrus fruit with greens to enhance their absorption of non-heme iron . Try squeezing lemon juice or add orange slices to a spinach salad .
Zinc: meat and chicken, tofu, legumes, wheat germ and peas are good sources (refer to Vitamins, Minerals & Phytochemicals in this Section for more information on supplements) .
Myth:Vegetarians can rely on cheese and peanut butter for their nutrients of concern .
Truth: If you are a vegetarian you still need two to three servings a day from the meat and alternatives group of Canada’s Food Guide . Vegetarian sources include fish, eggs, tofu or other soybean products, legumes (like chickpeas and lentils), peanut butter, nuts and seeds
and cheese . But do not rely on peanut butter and cheese for your protein everyday . You need to include tofu or other soybean products and/or legumes daily to balance your diet .
Soybean Products To Try
Tofu: white in colour, available soft or firm . It is bland but absorbs flavours from sauces you cook it in . Use firm tofu in a stir-fry, throw it in chili and marinate it in your favourite sauce and grill .
Soy milk: fortified soy milk provides more nutrients than other soy milks . Use on cereal, drink straight from a glass or make hot chocolate from it .
Meat substitutes (soybean burgers, tofu wieners and deli slices): use as regular burgers or hotdogs and to make sandwiches .
Textured vegetable protein: resembles ground beef when hydrated and is available in dried granules or chunks . Use in chili and pasta sauce .
Tempeh: Tender, chewy cake of soybeans mixed with a grain and has a rich flavour . It can be steamed and marinated in barbecue sauce then grilled, or chunks can be added to pasta sauce or chili .
Legumes—Upping Your IntakeYou can buy dried legumes to be cooked later or canned for convenience . Just drain and rinse and they are ready to eat .
mix chick peas or black eyed peas into pasta sauce
use chick peas to make hummus or throw them into a stirfry
canned soups with legumes and bean salads in a can are
ready-made meals
keep low-fat refried beans on hand to make burritos using
flour tortillas
add chick peas, black beans or kidney beans to soups or to
the tops of salads
• buy bean dip for pita bread or crackers
• baked beans on toast makes a quick meal
Phytoestrogens And Health
The diet of the Asian population has prompted interest in the health benefits of soybeans . The theory is that the lower incidence of breast cancer, prostate cancer, osteoporosis, menopause symptoms and heart disease in Asia may have something to do with their high intake of soy products .
Phytoestrogens, the natural compounds that are predominant in soybeans and soy-based foods, are being linked to these health benefits . Research is ongoing, but in the meantime, soy foods are still considered a healthy addition to the diet

Vitamins, Minerals & Phytochemicals

Your body needs approximately 29 vitamins and minerals to stay healthy and strong . Eating food is the best way and the most enjoyable method of meeting your nutrient needs and preventing disease . But there are certain circumstances when vitamin supplements can be a good idea . Many people ask if they should take supplements . This chapter should help you make some decisions . Along with vitamins and minerals, phytochemicals (natural plant substances) are also getting a lot of attention in the scientific community and understandablyso . Evidence is mounting that they play important roles in preventing cancer, heart disease and other chronic diseases . Let’s explore the amazing world of vitamins, minerals and phytochemicals.


When supplements may be needed:

If you do not eat the servings recommended from each of the four food groups of Canada’s Food Guide then a multivitamin/mineral supplement can help meet your needs . But remember that no supplement or combination of supplements can make up for a poor diet .
If you consume less than two milk products a day then consider taking a calcium supplement . The Osteoporosis Society of Canada recommends an intake of 1000mg for those aged 19 to 49, and 1000 to 1500 mg for those over 49 to help prevent osteoporosis . Calcium may also play a role in controlling high blood pressure, offer protection against colon cancer and is now being investigated for its potential role in decreasing PMS symptoms . If you take a calcium supplement, do not take more than 500 mg at a time to help maximize absorption.
Food Sources of Calcium
All women in the childbearing years should discuss folic acid supplements with their doctor and take a daily supplement containing 0 .4 mg of folic acid (folacin) . Research now shows that an increased intake of folic acid reduces the risk of birth defects, called neural tube defects, like spina bifida . Health and Welfare Canada recommends that if you are planning a pregnancy or suspect you may already be pregnant, talk to your doctor about folic acid supplements as early as possible . All women who become pregnant should take care to choose more foods higher in folate . These include dark green vegetables such as broccoli, asparagus, Brussels sprouts, and dark salad greens, orange juice, legumes and wheat germ .Ideally, daily folic acid supplements should be taken at least one month prior to conception and through the first trimester of pregnancy
Strict vegetarians who exclude all animal products, including meat, chicken, fish, eggs and milk products, should take a B12 supplement of 2 mcg per day unless they drink fortified soy milk daily . If you want to rely on soy milk for your B12 intake, make sure it is fortified with B12 by reading the label and drink enough to get 100% of your daily recommended intake .Strict vegetarians may also consider taking a multivitamin/mineral supplement unless their diet is well planned .
Pregnant women may benefit from the iron and calcium in a prenatal vitamin supplement, since their needs increase substantially for these two minerals during pregnancy .
Those who do not drink milk and get limited sun exposure would benefit from a vitamin D supplement of 100 to 400 IU per day.

Bodybreak_Book281The human body is continually using oxygen to stay alive .This use of oxygen produces free radicals, which are damaging compounds that can increase the risk of heart disease, cancer and other chronic diseases . Your body naturally combats free radicals and gets help from antioxidants found in food . The problem arises when free radicals outnumber antioxidants . A variety of external factors promote free radical formation: cigarette smoke, alcohol, ultraviolet light and air pollutants.
Vitamin C, vitamin E and beta carotene are three nutrients that act as antioxidants . There is some evidence, not conclusive however, that these vitamins decrease the risk of cancer and heart disease . For many scientists, the question still remains Vitamin whether antioxidant supplements should be routinel yrecommended . It also seems that these vitamins may work best when combined with certain foods, rather than just being taken as single supplements . Some scientists suggest that we don’t know enough about antioxidants to be able to safely recommend supplementation . Only one scientific body of nutrition experts, the University of California at Berkeley, recommends taking 250 to 500 mg of vitamin C and 200 to 800 IU of vitamin E daily . They also recommend that smokers avoid taking beta-carotene supplements because some research suggests that they increase the risk of lung cancer . If you are at risk for heart disease, you may benefit from a vitamin E supplement but first discuss it with your physician . Vitamin E can negatively interact with anticoagulant medications.
Five servings of fruits and vegetables daily, especially the dark green, yellow and orange ones, can give you a good dose of antioxidants.

Bodybreak_Book291Vitamin C and Smoking
Smoking robs the body of vitamin C, so the minimum recommended intake for smokers is about 60 to 80 mg per day instead of the usual 30 to 40 mg for non-smokers . Cigarette smoke is a major source of free radicals that damage cells and increase your risk of developing cancer and heart disease . If you cannot quit, or if you live with someone who smokes, all the more reason to eat lots of fruits and vegetables . Smarter still, make your life smoke-free . Don’t put off kicking the habit.
Iron carries oxygen around the body, and makes new cells, enzymes and hormones . Iron deficiency can result in anemia with symptoms including a loss of energy, loss of appetite, decreased immune function and the tendency to feel cold .Those at higher risk for anemia include menstruating women, endurance athletes, and vegetarians and teenage athletes who do not eat meat . If you suspect you have anemia, visit your physician to confirm it . Taking iron supplements could do unnecessarily harm to those prone to iron overload.

Generally, a diet that follows Canada’s Food Guide and includes a variety of foods will help prevent anemia . If prone to anemia a couple servings weekly of lean red meat can help . To enhance the absorption of iron from vegetable sources, consume a food high in vitamin C at the same time .Most colourful fruits and vegetables provide vitamin C, such as oranges, kiwis, cantaloupe, strawberries, and broccoli . So having an orange with your breakfast cereal and tomato sauce with your pasta will boost iron absorption.
B Vitamins and Heart Disease
High levels of homocysteine, an amino acid that everyone produces, is being linked to heart disease . Normally homocysteine is converted into non-damaging amino acids by three B vitamins: folate (folic acid), B6 and B12 . If the conversion does not take place quick enough or there is a lack of B vitamins, then the result could be an increased risk of heart disease . If you eat well, you are probably getting enough of these vitamins . If you do not, then you may want to consider taking a multivitamin supplement.
Multivitamin Supplements
Most scientific bodies of nutrition experts do not recommended routine vitamin supplementation to ensure health .If you do choose to take them, here are some guidelines to follow:
• Choose a general multivitamin/mineral supplement that
provides about 100% of the recommended nutrient intake
(RNI) .
• Do not buy supplements that contain excessive amounts
of vitamins and minerals . Some minerals can decrease the
absorption of others . For example, zinc interferes with copper
and calcium absorption, iron hinders zinc absorption and so
on .
• For maximum tolerance and absorption take your multivitamin with or after a meal . If you take a multivitamin that contains iron and separate calcium supplements, take them at different times since these two minerals compete for absorption .
• There is no proof that chelated or colloidal minerals are better absorbed .
• Most time-released supplements dissolve too slowly to be completely absorbed
• In large doses, certain vitamins and minerals can be toxic .This is especially true for vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamin B6, iron and selenium so be careful not to overdo it . Pregnant women should take note—even a relatively low dose of vitamin A supplements can harm the developing fetus
Sulforaphane, lycopene and bioflavinoids are just a few of the hundreds of phytochemicals naturally occuring in plant foods that may be protective against cancer . A diet with plenty of whole grains, fruits and vegetables, soybean products, legumes and herbs and spices will ensure a good dose of phytochemicals . Below is a list of foods you will want to incorporate into your diet regularly to help protect your health . It is likely that many more phytochemicals are still waiting to be discovered.


Water, water everywhere and the place it really belongs is in you . Water is the most indispensable nutrient going . You might not think of it as a nutrient, but it is .Water is a basic building block of life and while you can survive a deficiency of any other nutrient for sometimes months or years, you’ll only last a few days without water . It is involved in almost every process in your body, so it makes sense that if you are not drinking enough, your body will not function at its potential.


Functions of water
• regulates body temperature
• delivers nutrients to cells
• carries wastes away from cells
• helps digest foods
• provides shock absorption around tissues, organs and joints
How do you know if you are in fluid balance?
During exercise, your body temperature rises that’s when you start to sweat as a means of getting rid of some of this extra heat . As you sweat, the water content of the blood decreases . This reduction in blood volume means less blood and oxygen get to the heart and muscles . Muscle fatigue can result, making it harder to exercise . If the water loss becomes severe it can result in confusion, weakness, rapid and irregular pulse, seizures and even death . That’s why drinking water before, during and after exercise is so important . And if you feel like you’re running out of gas during a workout, have a drink of water . Chances are you’ll feel stronger.
Getting enough fluid
During the day
• Drink a minimum of 6 to 8 cups (1500 to 2000 mL) per day
• Start in the morning and drink consistently throughout the day
Before exercise
• Drink two cups (500 mL) of fluid up to two hours before exercise . It takes 60 to 90 minutes for your kidneys to process fluid, so you will have a chance to eliminate any excess before exercising .
• Drink one to two cups (250 to 500 mL) 15 minutes before exercise .During exerciseWith moderate to heavy exercise, you can lose up to six cups of water per hour . When exercising in the heat, a water loss of eight to twelve cups per hour isn’t unusual .
• Drink 1⁄2 to 3⁄4 cup (125 to 200 mL) of fluid every 15 minutes .
• Drink one (250 mL) every 15 minutes during strenuous exercise or if it’s hot and humid .
After exercise
Any weight change after one exercise session is an indicator of water loss, not fat loss .
• Drink two cups (500 mL) of water for every pound lost during exercise .
• Drink even if you don’t feel thirsty . Clear or light coloured urine shows you’re well hydrated.
Because water is the best hydrator of all the fluids, make sure that at least half of your daily fluid intake is water . If you don’t like the taste of water try mixing it with some juice or add lots of lemon or orange slices to a jug and pop it in the fridge to mellow . A refreshing spritzer made from cranberry juice mixed with soda water can be a delicious change . Alcohol, coffee, tea and drinks with caffeine don’t hydrate you well because they push water out of your body.

Weight Management

If weight loss is your goal, you have a virtual smorgasbord of options to choose from . Pills, shakes, creams, patches and commercial diet programs are all out there, just to name a few . Wading through what works, how much it costs and what is right for you can leave just about anyone dizzy . What diet should you choose? Well, here’s the bottom line on diets . An estimated 95% of people regain their lost weight after going on a diet . That’s hardly an impressive record by anyone’s standards . But you do have another option—eat well and exercise . Sound like too much work? Too little work? And what about results?


Eating right and being active sounds so simple, but it really does work if you give it a chance . And best of all, it’s a realistic plan that will work for a lifetime . Before we start looking at keys to managing your weight, the problem of food and weight obsession demands attention first .
Fat Obsession
Today’s society is obsessed about fat—on bodies and in food . And it is this obsession that has raised the concerns of many health professionals as they see the rise in abnormal eating patterns and eating disorders . If you’re making the decision to improve your lifestyle, take a bow . But if that resolve turns into an obsession, it can do more harm than good . A person who is preoccupied with these changes, who wastes precious energy filling their mind with thoughts of food, weight and exercise, isn’t living a healthy lifestyle at all . They’re
trapped in an endless cycle of unhappiness and denial . Other important areas of their life such as friends, family and work can suddenly take a back seat to their priority of exercise and eating . Healthy ways of living complement a full life . They don’t control it .Think you may be preoccupied with food and exercise?
Take the quiz below:
✍ Is food often on your mind?
✍ Do you avoid going out for social dinners in fear that you will
✍ Do you often feel guilty if you eat foods that are high in fat or
✍ Do you think about how many calories or fat grams are in
everything you eat?
✍ If you do not exercise one day, do you feel you don’t deserve
to eat very much?
✍ If you miss a workout does it ruin your mood for the rest of
the day?
✍ Does your workout schedule interfere with your ability to
have a social life?
✍ Do you continue to push yourself even if you’re injured in fear
of gaining weight?
✍ Is it hard to imagine a day without exercise each week to give
your body a rest?
Healthy eaters try to make nutritious food choices but don’t agonize over them . They allow themselves to enjoy their favourite high-fat foods in moderation without feeling guilty . How often have you seen a fit and healthy-looking person enjoying a slice of pizza or an ice cream cone and thought, “How can she eat that and still look so healthy?” But that’s precisely why she looks the way she does . She eats an occasional higher fat selection within a framework of healthy eating . And smart, healthy people fit in regular physical activity, but don’t let it overtake other important areas of their

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