Target Heart Rate
Our target heart rate (THR) helps you exercise at a safe and effective pace that’s right for you. The key is to make sure activities aren’t so hard that you get discouraged and not so easy that you don’t see results or fail to get into the fat burning zone.
The answer is to work in your target heart rate zone. This is based upon your age and fitness level and is designed to give maximum aerobic and fat burning benefits for you as an individual.
Target Heart Rate
easiest way to calculate:
# 220 minus your age then multiply that number by 50% and 85%.
The numbers represent lower and upper end of your target heart rate zone.
220 – ________ = ________ x .50 = ________ (Minus your age) (THR) (lower THR)
# 20 – ________ = ________ x .852 = ________ (THR)(upper THR)
While you exercise, your heart rate should fall between these two numbers.
If you are just starting, strive to keep your heart rate towards the low end of your target heart rate zone (50% to 60%).
If you have been exercising regularly, your heart rate can fall within the low to middle zone (60% to 70%).
For those who wish to exercise at a higher intensity, your heart rate should fall in the upper zone (70% to 85%).
Over 55 – we recommend you consult your physician when starting an exercise program.
Target Heart Rate Zone
Listen to Your Body You can also check how well you are doing throughout your workout just by listening to your body. For example, if you are so out of breath that you cannot speak comfortably or if you’re bent over half the time gasping for air, these are clear signals from your body to ease off. Going faster and harder is not always better. If you are just starting, you probably can’t keep a faster pace going long enough to make it worth your while and you could end up getting injured. If you slow down, you will be able to exercise a
lot longer. Oxygen is required to move your muscles and burn
The ultimate test: You should be able to carry on a conversation with your walking buddy or the person on the next stationary bike while you are exercising.
Taking Your Pulse
Monitoring your heart rate (pulse) while you exercise will let you know if your exercise program is making you fit. Your heart responds to exercise like any other muscle in your body. If you work your heart on a regular basis it will make it stronger, just like lifting weights will improve your muscle strength. As you get fitter your heart can pump more blood with every beat. In turn, your heart does not have to beat as often to get the needed oxygen to the muscles. The less your heart has to beat during rest and exercise the better.
• While you exercise, try to keep up the intensity of your workout and take your pulse for a count of ten seconds then multiply by six. This will give you an estimated heart rate per minute.
• To take your heart rate or pulse, use your first two fingers, never your thumb. Press your fingertips lightly just under-neath your jawbone on the right or left side of your neck (in the groove of your neck).
• Monitor your heart rate (pulse) periodically during your workout as you continue to keep up the same intensity. If it’s too high, back off a little so that your heart rate lowers to a more appropriate exercise level that is safe for you and effective. But if you find that your heart rate is too low, pick up the pace and check your pulse again after about five minutes of exercise.
• The drawback to this basic method of taking your pulse is that it’s difficult to get an accurate reading. Heavy breathing and muscle movements can make it hard to find your pulse. Often you can’t count fast enough to get all your heart beats and if you stop or slow your exercise intensity, it will not give you a true indication of how hard you are
•An alternative to the basic method for taking your pulse is a heart rate monitor ( refer to Heart Rate Monitor in Home Fitness section).